Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

25 Maret 2011

Lagi-lagi gue bahas kegiatan sehari-hari gue *sok penting banget sebenernya*
tapi kalo nggak nyeritain gue sendiri gue mau nyeritain siapa ? tetangga gue ? atau kambing tetangga gue ? Salah-salah gue bisa dituntut. Meski sudah bisa dipastikan bahwa kambing tidak akan bisa menuntut, tapi apa salahnya 'bersedia payung senelum hujan'?

Saat ini gue sedang mengingat masa kecil gue. Flashback 6 tahun ke belakang, saat itu gue masih kelas 5 SD..
Rumah gue deket sama lapangan ceritanya, dan di situ sedang ada acara pramuka. Kalo pramuka pan biasanya ada acara pensinya malem-malem. Nah gue nonton acara pensi sama kakak gue *cowok*, sama temennya juga. Kalo pramuka biasanya dibagi2 regunya, *anak SD juga tau kali*. Setiap regunya wajib nampilin satu penampilan untuk pensi. Lo mo nyanyi, joget, teriak di depan penonton, apa ajalah asal menghibur juga boleh.

Nah ada tuh satu penampilan yang bikin gue, kakak gue, dan juga temen kakak gue tergaga-gaga. Jadi ada peserta pramuka yang nyanyi *tanpa musik*.
Semua penonton diam...........
Mendengarkan nyanyian itu.......
Apa yang sebenarnya ia nyanyikan ???
"Wah lagu bahasa inggris ya? Fasih bener, baru juga SD kelas 5 kalo nggak 6"

"Eh, eh, tunggu deh! Coba di denger lagi!"
Pas lagi mikir : "anjir gue pikir nyanyi lagunya celine dion, ternyata dia nyanyi campursari. Capee deh!"

ada yang lagi nyanyi-nyanyi di kamar gue,
dia nyanyi campursari ya ? mmmm....
eh tunggu : "Et daah, ternyata dia lagi nyanyi bahasa inggeris" *medok amat, amat aja nggak medok*.
Dia lagi pasang earphone di telinganya, suaranya HOMBRENG gila! annoying banget..

ada yang punya paku nggak? *sekarang gue jadi mikir kalo dia adalah nini kunti yang nyasar*

Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

Use Makeup Right And Look Good!

For most women, being in a cosmetics and makeup store is much like a child would feel in a candy shop. There’s just so many good things around but you don’t know where to start! However, just as it is with having too much candy, too much makeup can cause undesirable results.

“Less is more” is a practical makeup mantra – which means makeup is to enhance your natural appearance, not to create an artificial one.

One way of knowing if you wear too much makeup is by being aware of other people’s reactions when you don’t have your makeup on. They should not be able to discern whether you are wearing makeup or not. If they aren’t, then you’re practically a master at your makeup routine. But, if people can readily tell you’re wearing makeup then perhaps you should look at these tips on how to use makeup to make a natural look your best one.

1. Skin Care

Your skin’s natural glow is your best makeup. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help the skin retain its moisture and elasticity. Keep your skin clean; never forget to wash your face before going to bed. Use light moisturizers regularly for your face and neck.

2. Foundation, Concealer, And Powder

For foundation, use shades that complement, not cover, your skin color. Apply them evenly over your face and neck. Your concealer should be one shade lighter than your foundation. Powder can either be used as a substitute for foundation or to set your makeup.

3. Eye Shadow, Liners, Mascara

Emphasizing eyes adds drama and impact to your face, but don’t to go overboard by emphasizing them too much. For day wear, a light liner and some eye shadow will do. At night, you can add a bit more color by using darker shades of liner, eye shadow, as well as mascara to lengthen the lashes.

4. Rouge

Some women tend to place rouge directly on the cheekbones in a round pattern; this effect only works on kewpie dolls. For women like you, lightly brush rouge upward from the base of your cheekbones, across the cheekbones and then toward the temples.

5. Lipstick

A bare or subtle shade is best for the daytime and it saves you the need to line your lips. Lip liners give a more contoured shape as well as help ‘keep in” the stronger shades of lipstick used for night wear.

Makeup exists to accentuate your face’s positive features; so take the time to know what those are and use these tips to help you put your best face forward.

Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

sharing soal fisika

Aku ingin hari libur..
satu-satunya kalimat yang sangat mewakili isi hati saat ini.

Cuman pengen sharing, kalo tugas ane yang kemarin sudah hampir selesai,
Jadi ceritanya kemarin ane dapet tugas buat ngumpulin soal-soal fisika.
1. Bab Rotasi Benda Tegar
2. Bab Dinamika Rotasi
3. Bab Kesetimbangan Benda Tegar

Itu semua adalah merupakan soal fisika kelas XI semester II, *yaiyalah* (-_-")

Bagi kalian yang mencari soal-soal seperti yang sudah disebutkan:
1. klik disini
2. klik disana
3. klik disono

oke sekian untuk hari ini, nice to share.